Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Thing #7B

Google Reader. Love and hate it!! So much information and I am bad about checking it. I have got to get in a better habit.

I just read an article about ebooks out selling print versions. According to Amazon it has sold 143 Kindle books to 100 print books. Kindle is the Amazon electronic reader. I think this is interesting. I have a Nook, which is Barnes and Noble electronic reader. I really like it, but still love a hard copy of a book. The electronic reader has some benefits over a hard copy. You can get a book at any time of the day. You do not have to wait for a store or library to be open. Also, ebooks often are a little less expensive than print books. There is an environmental benefit as well. All the paper and production is not needed. People who have trouble seeing will enjoy the ebooks, because they can adjust the size of the font.

I can see why people do not want to switch to an electronic reader. but I agree with the article in that books are changing. People I have spoken to say they like the feel of a print book, the weight of it in their hands. But as with everything else that is changing, electronics is the way to go. Soon more people will own the e-reader and purchase the e-books. I feel that we will never completely replace the print version of books. After all, the ebooks don't look so good on the shelf as all the print books.

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