Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thing #13

The custom image generators are very cool. I am very excited about them. The mosaic generator is great. I can create posters of images from all the regions of the world we study. My sister in law teachers life skills to elementary students. I told her about all of these website. She was very excited as well. There are a ton of ways she can use them to help teach the students in her class.

I created several mosaics. Here is one of my son's division championship game from football last year. I created it with Mosaic Maker. I created another of our trip to the great city of New Orleans in December of last year. I also spelled with Flickr. I really like this one. You can do so many neat things. Caslon metal type letter N letter O IMG_5698_3 T H counterfeit Lego letter M pink tag letter E Boggle black letter S letter Q u letter I letter T IMG_4688 letter H counterfeit Lego letter I letter G letter H IMG_5689_4 One Letter - White in Red Circle O O letter L

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