Friday, July 2, 2010

Thing #11

Wow!! I had not spent anytime on Flickr before this assignment. You could spend an entire day on it and not get bored. I love the map feature. As I have stated before, I teach geography. I love that you can see pictures from a specific place on the map. I really like that the pictures were taken by people who have been there, so you get a much bigger variety of pictures than you usually see. The same pictures of an historic site or area tend to be printed over and over.

The theme I chose was Auschwitz. Not the most uplifting theme but one that never fails to capture the studen'ts interest. The pictures on Flickr were fantastic. I have not had the chance to visit Auschwitz yet, but the images on Flickr make you feel as if you have been there. I saw aspects of the concentration camp that I had not seen before.

Flickr can enhance the social studies classroom. I think that having a large number if images helps the students better understand the concepts taught in a geography class. They can see the different standards of living around the world, festivals and celebrations from around the world as well as historical sites. I am looking forward to bringing so many pictures into my lessons.

Mappr is a great tool for the social studies classroom. Again, it will help students understand the physical and cultural geography of a place. These are things that are often difficult for students to understand. They think that all people live like they do. Having a variety of images from around the world will help them have a better understanding of other people and cultures. And in a world that is getting smaller everyday, it is extremely important that people know and understand different cultures.


  1. I forgot to give credit for the photo.

    this photo was taken by Bogdan Migulski.

  2. I'm so glad you were able to find ways to enhance your lessons with Flickr. I, myself, am always overwhelmed with it.
