Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Reflections on Lifelong Learning

The habit that will be hardest for me to employ will be the learning toolbox. I am very bad about just jumping into something and not making sure I have all that I need before I get started. I am a very organized person in most aspects but like to just get started when trying something new.

The habit that will be easiest for me will to be viewing problems as challenges. I am very good about visualizing the end of something and getting there despite the challenges along the way. Setting small goals and achieving them and then setting another is usually how I can work beyond challenges to overcome them.

The habit that will be most important to me during this course will be the last one, 7.5 playing. Being able to practice the technology and gain confidence in using it will be most beneficial for me.

1 comment:

  1. You are right...playing will be the most beneficial in this course.
